Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hillary (Newland) Hopkins

So I have to admit, this is the first entry ever in any blog for me, so please take that in to consideration while you read. Here goes the story of me:
After high school graduation I moved to Kansas City and went to school at UMKC's medical school. It was a pretty tough transition for me, with lots of trips home at first. During med school, I took about 8 months off, and worked at a church in the city and did a medical mission trip to Cameroon, Africa.

This is a picture of some of the kids I took care of in Africa at Banso Baptist Hospital.

Both were great experiences - especially working at the church, because that's where I met my husband. We met in 2002, got married in August 2004, and moved into a rental house in a fun neighborhood in Kansas City, MO (Brookside) where we still live.

Mitch started dental school at the end of the month after we got married, so we have basically spent the first four years of marriage in school/residency. I graduated from medical school in May of 2005, and started family medicine residency in July of 2005. Mitch and I both finally graduated this past summer. We went on an amazing trip to Canada for graduation, and here are a couple pictures from that vacation, as well as a picture of Mitch and Grace at his graduation and the three of us at my graduation.

We don't have any children together yet, but Mitch has a daughter (Grace-- see above), so I have a beautiful, intelligent, 6 year old step daughter. She is such a blast, and we have enjoyed watching her play tee ball and soccer for the first time this year. We also have 2 dogs: a black lab named Rilee and a yellow lab named Harper. They are very sweet, but a little on the hyper side. Here are pictures of Grace horseback riding at Dad's and playing tee ball last summer.

I, being a glutton for punishment, have decided to do another residency. This year, Mitch and I are working in Kansas City (as a real dentist and doctor...finally!), but will be moving to New Hampshire in June 2009 for my dermatology residency. It will be three years, so anyone who wants to come do a little "leaf peeping" in the fall is welcome to come visit! I was there last weekend, and it really is beautiful. Grace will be here in KC, so we'll be back to visit and will be moving back as soon as we can.
Unfortunately, my camera is not very good (as evidenced by my disposable at the reunion), so I don't have a lot of pictures that I can post right now, but I'll try to update them. Who knows, I may be hooked on this blogging thing! It was great to see everyone at the reunion, and I hope to read updates from all of you too!


Andrea Frederick said...

YAY! Thanks for blogging...you did great!

Corin said...

Good job Hillary. I would love to visit New Hampshire, maybe I will try and talk Steve into it. I think you should do a residency in Hawii next.